This is how the largest car wash in the world works
The German TV channel Welt published a film about the car wash company Dr. Wash, which he calls the largest car wash on the planet. Up to 4 thousand cars a day pass through the conveyors of the enterprise.
The car wash is located in German Stuttgart and, according to the authors of the film, does not lack customers. The area of the complex is 15 thousand square meters, which employs 110 employees. The washing conveyor moves at a speed of 1 km/h. The length of the chain of rotating brushes and sprinklers is 50 meters, and the car passes it in 3 minutes. In total, the body wash process includes 15 workstations.
In addition to the actual body wash, Dr. Wash is also engaged in cleaning interiors: the company is able to put in order the interiors of a thousand cars in a day. There are two interior conveyors in the complex, each employing 10 people with a strict distribution of duties: on average, it takes 8 minutes for one car.
Among other things, the complex has its own body polishing area, a gas station and an engine oil change station.
Industrial pumps are installed at the station, which pump water for washing from the city supply system, up to 350 thousand liters are consumed per day. However, there are also special tanks in which water is stored, already used, but passed through its own set of filters; purified water is reused. It is claimed that this not only reduces water consumption, but also reduces the burden on the environment.
The company needs a lot of electricity. For example, only the drying system spends up to 6 thousand kWh per day. This amount of electricity would be enough to cover the needs of two average households for a year.
The simplest body wash here costs 8 euros, and a range of services, including interior cleaning and manual waxing of the body, costs 40 euros.
In October, an American car wash equipment company posted a video illustrating the first car wash in 44 years, with an elderly Datsun 240Z sitting in a shed all the while.